Domestic Landscape - Nicola Bonriposi

Domestic Landscape is a sculptural yet primitive side table which provide you the possibility to configure the table top. By just sliding out the square bar from the side wall, you can decide where to slide in back and create the surface that best suits your need. An everyday architectural archetype which has been scaled down to be placed indoor or outdoor. Keeping the meaning of gathering which belong to the buildings but in a more subtile and domestic blueprint.

Domestic Landscape


Atollo - Domenico Altamura

Einstein said “everything you can imagine, nature has already created”. In a historical moment in which the frailties of our planet are becoming more and more evident and the action of man is slowly crumbling the balance, we have sought inspiration for the creation of this piece of furniture in one of the most fragile ecosystems among the existing ones, an atoll, from which the project takes its name.
A piece of furniture, in addition to performing the decorative function, typical of design objects, can in fact be the vehicle of a more important message, sensitizing the end user to issues of great importance.
This object therefore brings to mind the natural conformation of an atoll, with its tongue of sand that closes in a circle, delimiting a crystal-clear water mirror. Hence, brass becomes a symbol of the finest sand, while painted steel reproduces the colors of the sea.
The perfection of the circle in which this table is tightened is finally interrupted by a deep gash, which cuts the central body revealing the internal stratification. This is a symbol of man’s action and how his intervention can break the fragile balance of the planet.


2022 edition
Siamo un’industria artigianale di arredi in metallo, specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni d’arredo in acciaio inox, ma anche in ferro, ottone, rame ed alluminio. La gamma produttiva spazia dagli arredi, interni ed esterni, alla realizzazione di sculture, oggetti d’arredo, scale, balaustre. Proponiamo nuove finiture metalliche che testiamo e studiamo in un nostro laboratorio di patinature.
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